
Epic Burgers & Waffles: Behemoth (by L.Richarz)

World Porn

Recipe: Deep Dish Peanut Butter Pie

Eggs, Salmon

Chicken Shashlikh (by yummyfoodmadeeasy)

Lemongrass and Kaffir Lime Leaf Mousse with Mango Coulis Hint of Vanilla

Main Dish




Recipe by calvert_e

Beautiful Planet

Recipe by Tom Spaulding

Chocolate Cake With Vanilla Buttercream Frosting ( R E C I P E )

Coconut, Soup, Recipe

Rancho Encino Residence (Austin)

Steak, Rice & Beans

Seafood Stew-Gourmande

BLT Cheddar Gougeres

Slow Cooker Sausage Herb Stuffing

Triple Berry Cinnamon Swirl Bread (via http

Hot Chocolate, Chocolate

Old Fashioned Sour Cream DonutsMore cake & cookie & baking inspiration

Recipe by Stan Photographs

M&M Cookies with White Chocolate Chunks

Recipe by FratosPizza

Pomme Frites Fries by volitarian on Flickr.

Hallway (San Francisco)